Hey, speaking of Sonya, where is she? Kano's gone too, but nobody cares about that. It's like they had so many ideas for new characters that the developers decided they couldn't return everyone from the previous game, and just arbitrarily chose a couple to ax. But you can see how clever they were here - in place of Sonya Blade, Mortal Kombat's only female presence, they put Kitana and Mileena. The two new women are, of course, just palette swapped copies of one another so it saved them a good amount of room in the game's memory while still letting them accurately claim that Mortal Kombat II had a greater number and ratio of playable female characters than Mortal Kombat 1 - even than Street Fighter II, which at that point still only had Chun-Li. That all said, if you're a big fan of Sonya and/or Kano, and you're really bummed to be missing them here, I have good news! Both fighters still make an appearance in the game. In fact, they're chained up in the background of a stage, wiggling around, waiting for someone to come save them. So there you go - not enough to just gut them from the new title, but now they've been made retroactively incompetent. Excellent.

The tournament itself is more straightforward than the stuff Shang Tsung was running back on Earth. He had designated mirror matches and "endurance" matches where you had to fight two guys in a row. Not the case this time; the additional fighters added to the roster padded things out to make the single player mode a direct climb to the top of a mountain. Along the way you'll fight every character in the roster, yourself included, ending with Shang Tsung in his new role as quasi-boss. With his youth he learned to transform into all the new fighters in the game, but sadly forgot how to morph into Goro. Shame!
Also changed from MK1 (but not really) is Sub-Zero. In the canon storyline from the end of the first game, Scorpion (who was killed in life by Sub-Zero) gets his revenge and kills Sub-Zero in the tournament. And then, in Mortal Kombat II, Sub-Zero is back. Bwah? Scorpion had the same reaction, which is why he's returning as well: "Hey didn't I kill you?" Turns out that this is the younger brother of the original Sub-Zero, and he naturally is also named Sub-Zero, and he looks exactly the same, and has all the same moves. Glad we settled that!

And you know what? I'd be sort of cool with that, since it means you can't rely on one supermove to win the game for you, except it doesn't stop there. This is the most nefarious AI in any fighting game I've played. Not only is there the whole throw thing (and it's not just a sweep counter; you'll get thrown from excessive range all the freaking time), but the computer is built to counter everything you ever do. Moves like Sub-Zero's freeze blast or Scorpion's signature spear throw are completely worthless against the computer; without fail the AI will avoid the attack. It reads your inputs and reacts to them with the optimal counter move. And this isn't just on hard difficulty or anything - this is across the board. Of course, this might make some sense in the arcade, where the goal is to get the player to pump more quarters into the machine, but the AI made it to the home versions of the game intact. Whatever you try to do, you'll get beaten and beaten hard. It's infuriating. So how does anyone ever beat this game?

And against characters without good projectile counters like teleportation, Jax's energy wave attack melts AI minds. Johnny Cage, Baraka, Scorpion, Reptile, even Shang Tsung: they'll all just backflip at the far end of the screen hoping desperately to avoid your endless barrage of fuschia energy. It's a lost cause. They'll all drop from the onslaught and you'll get that oh-so-satisfying "FINISH HIM" (or Her). And that's where Mortal Kombat II really steps it up from its predecessor. The first game saw each fighter have one fatality - a cinematic and gory way to kill the opponent (except pacifist Liu Kang who just did a cartwheel). Now every fighter has two distinct ones, for double the gory fun. Plus, three of the game's stages have stage-specific fatalities that any fighter can perform, including the aforementioned return of The Pit (aptly named The Pit II), a spiked ceiling that unfortunate souls can be uppercut into, and a pool of acid that does decidedly acid-like things to a body. As you can see above, you can also turn people into babies for no good reason. This is great stuff.

Shao Kahn, by comparison, is terrible at fighting. When you beat Kintaro, Kahn jumps off his throne in the background and challenges you. It also turns out that he was the fella announcing everything the whole game, which means nothing you do in this fight will get you the approving "Superb!" or any other such callout. Anyway, his first act of the unsanctioned fight is to tell you that he's going to kill you. And then he reminds you of that like every five seconds during the fight, just stopping and pointing at you while telling you you're going to die. During these angry outbursts, you naturally kick him in the face. In fact, kicking him in the face is the entire battle. When he's not mouthing off, he'll just walk toward you, and you kick him, and he staggers back, and then you do it all over again. And then when you finally beat him, he teleports to all the different stages one by one before exploding into chunks of stone. Worst emperor ever.
Finally, I want to give a quick mention to the secret characters in the game. While MK1 just had Reptile lurking under a bridge like a troll, MK2 peppered three secret fighters in the game, accessible by various means. These are, of course, all palette swaps of people wearing masks. They are Smoke, a gray version of Scorpion with smoke puffs coming off and super speed; Jade, a green version of Kitana who can't be injured by projectiles; and Noob Saibot, a silhouette ninja who, of course, also has Scorpion's spear. They should have just given that move to every character in the game. I don't know why they didn't. Spear Kombat could've been a thing.
Mortal Kombat II is not a particularly fun single-player game, specifically because it was programmed to be outrageously unfair; no amount of practice or skill with the game will allow you to get the upper hand. The only way to beat the exploitative computer is to find and use exploits of your own, and that's no fun for anyone. That said, the game is an improvement over Mortal Kombat 1 in every other way conceivable. Assuming you have two people present, you will never have a reason to play the first Mortal Kombat again with this game in your library, and that's a huge deal. It's all the little touches stacked atop all the big improvements that make this one a standout. Just don't play it alone. Find yourself a friend and have a murder party, and see what makes this game special.

Bottom Line: 16/20